Senin, 22 Oktober 2012


"And I am still wondering you are part of us too..."

my body is here but my soul is not at all.


I believe that the only one who regrets my decision about this future is my mom.
I can see it though her eyes, everytime she talks to me bout this..
she has changed, the regrets did.
I am sorry..I have done my best not to show you what I am feeling. I am cracking too
And the one who broke everything, never ever apologize to person.

eyes that you don't have

"Ndut,jangan tinggalin aku sendirian disini. Aku wes sok tahan disini, kalo ga ada kamu piye"
"kamu rela gitu aku ga bahagia?"
"yo gak se..." and she's about to cry.

pagi ini

I always have breakfast with mom, we keep talking the same thing since 29th July 2012. And today was the most painful...

"Tadi malem mama mimpi, mama gapapa kalo kamu taun depan mau nyoba lagi. Tapi internasional yang FE, kan biayanya ga sebesar FK. Terus kamu mau,"

and you know what
Intan and I have talked this topic for days.
you got me,mom

sisa sisa perjuangan

dakota ku sembuh which means all those shits tentang UI masih tersimpan rapi.
Betapa bangganya aku  pernah memperjuangkan hal tersebut dengan sebegitu keras
and now what?
"I am not supposed to be here and what the hell I am doing here"

itu aku, sekarang.

Minggu, 23 September 2012

need to be heard

istilahnya, sekarang itu aku lagi pincang...satu kakiku lagi ga sama aku
belum bisa dipake seutuhnya.
Gampangnya, i'm so sensitive recently. I've cried many times this month.
I am trying to change my prespective but it didnt really help
Skip those shits.

hanya sedang butuh telinga, tempat buat bersandar

I'm such a good pretender...well these days.

what my dad said

in the middle of afternoon while I was away...

"Coba litha kemaren jadi, ga usah beli mobil, ga usah cuci mobil hahahah"mom-well she said jokingly

"Jalannya ga gitu..."dad.

I couldnt agree more with you,dad.

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

The price is so damn expensive

Banyak orang kok yang juga ada diposisiku
tapi aku belum nemu aja, pengen gitu cerita misalnya ketemu
gimana deal dengan 'harga' yang aku bahkan ga pernah nyangka...akan semahal itu
Definisi mahal..
....pengorbanan mu sampai di titik itu...banyak
nangis mu yang berkali-kali itu berasa ga kehitung sama sekali hahaha
Fuuu~ lenyap tak bersisa.

Sulit. Itu aku sekarang, bahkan sampai detik aku nulis ini.
Mungkin ga cuman aku tapi mama papa eyang ..
Well, ppl around me who know whats really going on now
Shit happens, ah not shits but unexpected miracle.

Siapa yang nyangka setelah perjuanganmu BERBULAN-BULAN
recover dari DUA KALI kegagalan...namamu akhirnya disitu
menembus..hmm..universitas yang kamu puja, yang namanya kamu tempelkan disetiap spot yang noticeable, even di my birthday board. I always smile everytime I read that wish, It was my wish though.

Sebuah nazar sudah kuucapkan....
Lari 1x di bunderan HI huahahaha
then i realized it was BIG..but I was still excited. "Itu ga sebanding dengan pejuanganmu bos! Ga sebanding sama sekali"
 yes, It was.

Bukan, bukan berarti aku ga bersyukur dengan apa yang aku dapat sekarang
All praise surely due to Allah hardworks are finally PAID-OFF
...............but the hardest timing was couple days later.

Yes, and name was written there on July 29th
"Selamat anda diterima sebagai mahasiswa baru di Universitas Indonesia"
And the happiness suddenly come up ! My mission is completed!!
I PASSED!! those things going around my head that time.. I even cried in joy hehehe
Subhnallah....Allah did something, he did........

The price was appearing...
I and my parents trapped in a serious fight. I kept saying no while they tried their best to persuade me
And I asked them the final decision which is yes or no. They gave NOTHING.
All those beautiful and bad things flashing in my mind......and I dont regret that I said no instead of yes cause I know, deep inside they said no either.
Does it hurt? Surely yes.
 The hardest part is ppl around me keep asking the reason. Hell-o, should I hold such a press-conf to tell the world the REAL EFFIN REASONS ? Oh guys, get a life.

Perasaanku sekarang ?
I am so grateful yet hmm a bit.....sad
I dont know which part but time just flies too fast

apapun warna jaket almamater kalian toh nanti tetap jas putih seorang dokter- favourited tweet by @MahasiswaFK.

True, nothing can stop me now
Those times are the best teacher for me much harder to get what you want but it doesnt good enough in the end.

Good luck, yellow jacket-ers !!
And I will wear my blue jacket with PRIDE too :-)

ya Allah, this is your best way isnt it :)
Bless me...bless me...

The price of letting go ur dreams is not cheap at all. You will have no idea about the price, guys :-)
Keep what you have now, be grateful !! :))

Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

klise tapi sakit

"Yes, authority ! Something that you can change,right ?" - someone over 20 yrs old.


"Kalo jalan ku memang disitu, sesulit dan sesusah apapun OSPEK ataupun didalemnya nanti..itu ga sebanding dengan luar biasanya perjuanganku sekarang !"

emang bener

What doesn't kill you make you stronger

berapa banyak kejadian yang rasanya kaya pergi ke London jalan kaki gitukan di SMA,hahahaha
dari pertama ketrima sampe lulus pun, too many things happen...
pas aku mau flashback, kadang aku mikir...iya ya dulu gimana ngelewatinnya, ngelawatin masa-masa luar biasa...yang kalo disuru ngulangin lagi jujur mungkin aku ga sanggup :p

aku disini sekarang masih bisa berdiri masih bisa seperti ini karena apa ? Karena Allah.
So, God knows everything more than us, and he will help you through those trials.
when you have no one to believe in, you have to believe that God will help you..period.

You get what you deserve and God knows the best!

even miracles take a little time

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

a little

mungkin telingamu mendengar tangisanku
mungkin matamu juga menyadari senyum palsuku
mungkin bibirmu tau kau tak seharusnya mengatakan itu
...namun apa daya jika hatimu kau tutup
kau akan terus mengabaikannya
...mengabaikan hati-hati lain yang sudah kau lukai.
bukalah hatimu dan kau kan mengerti.

Kamis, 12 April 2012


16 APRIL 2012 - 19 APRIL 2012

goodluck for last graders in Indonesia
may Allah will bless us, amen.

#SMALANE2012 !!

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

third chance

Someone said that everyone deserved second chance but only the lucky ones who deserved the third.

I am the lucky one, yes I am.
God's already prepared the best timing to see you. I know.
and what should I do ?

well, waiting.

words that fit me

when you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change your feelings because it's the mind that gets angry but heart still cares - @Blackology

I shoul've said it couple moths ago

for leaving you behind

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012


guess who

I'm not one of his group fans...whatever you called it
and eveeeen... I dont know its songs..and rest of the member.

dear merlion..

December 31th 2011....
Thank you :)

Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

amtologi rasa

a novel by ika natassa, one of my favorite author.
Highly recommended.
Actually, I had this novel couple months ago.